973-540-1537 8 Cleveland Ave., Morris Plains, NJ 07950

Why do we fundraise?

As a nonprofit organization, The Co-op relies on the generous support of our families. Every dollar earned is added to our fundraising account, which means it not only supports The Co-op, but also is directly invested in products or programs that impact our children.

Fundraising allows us to continue to provide a top tiered educational foundation for all of our students, as well as to the young children of the community who will join us in the future. In the past, fundraising money has been used to purchase new toys and learning activities, playground equipment, play vehicles, flooring,  backyard shade structures, and most recently, our new outdoor climber

Every time you shop through our Shutterfly storefront, 13% of
your purchase goes directly back to The Co-op.
Get 20% off card and gift orders when you use the Co-op’s unique promo code: FUNDRAISEMPCPS. 15% of your purchase is donated back to the Co-op.
Label everything with these personalized stickers
and a portion of your purchase goes directly to The Co-op. 
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